ASIST K-Blog Panel

Friday, November 05, 2004

Ok, I'm having issues today, notes from the trial run

This will be my 3rd attempt at blogging my notes, comments, etc., from last night's trial run. Each time it gets a little shorter, a little less thorough.
  • length – I didn't look at the clock when I started but I think I went over 20 minutes. The problem is that for the complexity I tried to discuss, I probably should have gone longer. I'm thinking about backing down the complexity a little bit
  • intro and conclusion – in technical writing, you say what you're going to say, say it, and then say why you said it. I didn't do that well. I need to do a better job of introducing my subject and then tieing together all the loose ends at the conclusion
  • citations – I tried to use the notes section as footnotes, but that seems ineffective. I think that putting them on the slides is not an option, so I think I'll either create a handout that's an outline with the citations or I'll have endnotes with the citations on a final slide. K- if I do a handout, how many copies should I bring?
  • ROI, or why should businesses do this? – I totally left this out, but it's very important.
    • aggregation across
    • encourage innovation
    • productivity
    • workers might do it anyway – in a public forum
  • Delete Gahran's classification (slide 8)? – I know why I put it in there. I used Wacka's taxonomy to get the audience on the same page as what kinds of blogs I am talking about. I used Gahran's classification to point out that on corporate > internal > knowledge blogs, there might be different types of posts even within the same blog or across blogs. That might open up a can of worms that will take time away from my most important points
  • My most important points are voice and reflective thinking so I will try to develop these more/nail them down a little better
  • The whole secure annotations thing – this is not convincing that it's actually PKM instead of PIM, I'll need to bring up personal knowledge publishing (Paquet, also Mortensen and Walker); ie, selection, analysis → meaning, context → PKM

Ok. Now for the important point. They say we need to add jokes. Hmm. Clean and appropriate for our audience.


  • Well, it looks like I'm technically challenged today, too. I had a kernel panic earlier (a black screen with scrolling white text that crashes the system), which the computer repair guys said they fixed. Then, I drafted a response and stupidly got confused about which browser tab I was in and lost what I typed. Oh, well.

    I think the order we spoke in worked very well. Garrett ties together what Christina and I say very nicely.

    I kept time. We're all under by a few minutes. You may not need to worry about cutting things out of your presentation unless you really want to alter what you're going to say.

    I like the idea of handouts and plan to bring some with me, too. What about putting additional citations/notes on the blog? Since we're unveiling it that day, you could use it as an incentive to attract readers.

    Yes, ROI is important and could be worth mentioning.

    Like you typed, Gahran's classification shows different styles to manage knowledge--every post doesn't have to be a long, detailed annotation. But if you think it takes away from the focus of your talk, maybe you should remove it.

    Yeah, I don't know about the secure annotations thing, either.

    Jokes came up at dinner last night. Unfortunately, no one there knew any great jokes about feeds, blogs, and/or knowledge management.

    Through the scratchpad, someone asked me about feeds. While I was hunting for resources via my Feeds department, I stumbled across all sorts of nifty things I could use in my presentation, including some posts that'll help me better tie feeds to knowledge management. Why I don't use my own blog for knowledge management, I don't know ...

    By Blogger j, at 12:39 PM  

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