Christina's Outline: Blogs for KM, the special case of PKM
(still in progress) Updated... I'm changing the order, please let me know if you think this is a bad idea! (updated seconds later because IV actually comes after III)
I. Intro
A. What is PKM? (How I will use the term PKM, hopefully a standard definition)
B. How does PKM differ from PIM/PCM and KM?
II. Why Blogs?
A. They add richness to narratives of how projects developed from the personal view of the engineers, managers
B. They are personal, but can be aggregated for the benefit of the enterprise
C. For researchers and other knowledge workers, it gets them writing which can lead to better conceived reports and published papers
D. They put a personal face on the enterprise
E. It lets the quiet guy get heard, no barrier to speaking up
F. Users can effectively annotate webpages without the privacy/spyware concerns of furl, A9 or other web-based tools
G. May lead to innovation - researcher can note good idea for later, after current project is done? Also can publish an idea to get feedback - kind of peer review - prior to formal submission.
III. Models for Use of Blogs for PKM (this may be weak, and get dropped)
A. Berrypicking (a la Bates)
B. Distributed learning (a la Efimova)
C. Information seeking process (a la Kulthau)
IV. Nuts and Bolts -- what features, policy, meta-stuff are necessary for success?
A. Low barrier to publishing (basically a given with any COTS software)
B. Terms of use (gentle but firm rules for everyone's comfort and liability)
C. Search
D. Levels of privacy/access (at minimum, limited to intranet, better yet multiple levels enterprise-wide to personal),
E. Categories/meta-data
F. Management support
Updated with line breaks.
Also -- maybe I should be less theoretical for the Berkman Group? How long will I have on Thursday?
Should I have examples? What would the examples show/prove that aren't better described?
Geoff Harder illustrates my point about blogs for PKM. He's just returning after an extended hiatus. Maybe a quick e-mail interview is in order?
Christina, at 10:03 AM
Go for it!
I like what he says about the differences between blogging and using bookmarks.
j, at 5:59 PM
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