ASIST K-Blog Panel

Monday, November 01, 2004

Theory of 5 Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms

A lot of the stuff I'm discovering you all might be very familiar with if you work more in KM. I'm really a reference librarian by training, so I'm doing some research on the recent theory, etc., of KM. I don't think this works with my part of the panel (*p*km), but maybe we can work it in there somewhere... N.M. Dixon. Common Knowledge. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2000. Quoted in Karlsen and Gottschalk. "An Empirical Evaluation of Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms for IT Projects" Journal of Computer Information Systems v44 i1 (Fall 2003): 112-9. Available online fulltext (pdf) via Business Source Premier. Incidentally, Karlsen and Gottschalk's study seems pretty flawed so I'm not really recommending citing it. The five types (briefly):
  • Serial – same group, same task later, writing down what worked and then doing it again
  • Near – same task, different group, follows other group's notes
  • Far – different task, different group, new context
  • Expert – generic, explicit knowledge transfer
I'm thinking that this kind of goes with Efimova's distributed learning/apprenticeship model.


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