ASIST K-Blog Panel

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Joyce Park: Towards Semi-Permeable Blogging

8/6/2003 Pointed out by Ross Mayfield because apparently she just got fired? Mayfield's post was picked up by Topix. She's talking about levels of privacy on blogs. She also briefly mentions integrating blogs with other communications and PIM tools used in the workplace.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Mortensen and Walker: Blogging thoughts: personal publication as an online research tool

Paper presented at SKIKT-RESEARCHERS' CONFERENCE 2002. Held in Oslo, 8 April 2002. Pointed out by Elmine Wijnia Taken together with the previous post, they're saying that k-logging for personal km is more than "keeping found things found", it's selecting, connecting, and analyzing.

Upcoming Blog Talks, Part 2

I've been working with the professional development director of the SLA News Division about very fundamental plans for a blogging continuing education course at the next SLA Annual Conference. He told me today that he turned in the course proposal and thinks it's okay for me to start generating buzz about the course. SLA still has to approve the course, but we'll be surprised if they don't. Once we get the okay from SLA, we'll start working on a plan and tracking down speakers. I will share this news on the scratchpad later tonight. If you would like to help me generate buzz, that's totally cool, but I would appreciate it if you could hold off until I post it on the scratchpad. I'm really excited about this!

Also, it looks like the SLA Boston Chapter program on blogging will be on Saturday, October 30, at Mount Holyoke from 1-4 pm. I'm not sure if that means I'll/we'll be talking for three hours or if that includes time for registration and networking. Garrett, Kris, any interest in sharing the podium? Christina already commented that she may not be able to make it. Since it's the day before Halloween and it's a Saturday, the program planner, Dorothy Barr, and I have been considering doing something with costumes or insisting that people come in casual dress. I'm not sure how public this information is yet--if we can do "save the date" kinds of announcements or if I shouldn't be typing the sketchy details on the Internet.

I finally got clearance from work to go to Wisconsin in about three weeks and to be on the ASIST panel. It looks like I can only be away from work on the day of our panel, though, so I don't think I can go to the rest of the conference.

Sebastien Paquet: Personal knowledge publishing and its uses in research

From 10/2002 but relevant. (update: forgot to say where I found it. Pointed out by Elmine Wijnia ) Here are some things of interest that I found: Selection of material - basically says that with information overload you can use comments and the selections of others in their blogs to decide if material is worth using (he calls it triangulation). Also mentions pitfalls of citations to gauge value. Information routing - information spreading across geographic or disciplinary boundaries The difference between pkp and k-logging -
I wish to make a distinction between personal knowledge publishing and knowledge logging or K-logging. K-logging is actually the more general term of the two. It encompasses personal knowledge publishing, which consists of publishing on the Web for everyone to see, as well as "inward" K-logging, where knowledge sharing is restricted to an organization, and typically supported by an intranet. The distinction has to do with the scope of distribution, but not with the tool itself.
Comparison to other forms of knowledge sharing - no time limitation, public, shorter conversations "Issues of competition and secrecy" - when you run something up the flagpole to see if anyone salutes (or throw it against a wall to see if it sticks), someone might figure it out and publish before you do. There's also a real ethics problem in blogs about people not citing where they got their ideas (recently be-moaned here).

Thursday, August 26, 2004

beSpacific on blogging

Sabrina Pacifici published her presentation "Are you ready to blog" in the current issue of Among other interesting phenomena, she references Christina's blog searching article. Greetings to all.

Friday, August 20, 2004 How blogs and wikis can help knowledge management

Post by Wayne Robinson 6/18/2004. I already pointed to Bill Ives post about this in the comments below but I think this deserves its own post.
The creation of knowledge within an organisation occurs as a result of the interactions of explicit and tacit knowledge, in the process of knowledge conversion. This is where both types of knowledge increases in both quality and quantity. One useful model of this process is the SECI process - which stands for socialisation, externalisation, combination and internalisation. In this post I’ll explain the SECI process and explain where wikis and weblogs can help.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Upcoming Blog Talks

The SLA Wisconsin Chapter has invited me to speak to them about blogging on Wednesday, September 15. I might talk to a library school class about my job while I'm out there, either on Tuesday or Thursday. I'm waiting for clearance from work to go. The Boston Chapter is planning a similar program, perhaps for Saturday, October 16. The program planner has invited me to be the principal speaker, but if any of you would like to join me, I can easily share the responsibilities. It could give us a nice practice round for our panel or, since I would imagine this meeting will be longer, it could give us the opportunity to talk about many things we wouldn't be able to during the limited time at ASIST.

ASIST Preliminary Program

I almost tossed the Preliminary Program for the American Society for Information Science and Technology in the trash because I thought it was junk mail. We're on page 22. = )

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

TechSoup Forum on Weblogs and Nonprofits

TechSoup, a Web site about technology in nonprofits, might hit on KM issues in nonprofits in this discussion it's hosting this week about nonprofits and blogs.

Shimon's Thoughts on Blogs as Personal KM Tools

Shimon Rura responds to Lilia Efimova's post about knowledge workers by discussing blogs as personal knowledge management tools. Well, it's obvious that I like what he has to say or else I wouldn't share it with you and point to it from here.
I think she's onto something. Blogs, unlike other "knowledge management" tools, center around a person. This is important because it gives individuals the freedom to post whatever they want. By eliminating the fear that something you care about doesn't belong in the system somewhere, the act of posting is always much closer at hand. You don't even have to ask yourself if something belongs—you get so used to writing things down on your blog that you instead have to wonder, when wouldn't I want to share this {idea, feeling, picture, tip, joke} with other people?

And so people simply care more about blogs than other KM tools. The boat of knowledge written down on the blog is lifted by the tide of person-centered writing and discussion.

My little brain is trying to crank out a response related to group blogs/blogs with multiple authors/blogs in a group environment because I don't think I agree that what he says completely applies in those situations, but I can't quite think of how to word it. Perhaps something to that effect will be on the scratchpad later this evening.

By posting about Shimon here, I know I'm taking a slight risk of exposing our "top secret" blog because he easily finds things with his name in it. I thought not using his name in this post would just be silly. So, Shimon, if you find us here, congratulate yourself for being the first person in our little blogging group (besides Garrett) to find my sixth blog. You will probably find many useful and interesting things in this space, but we would appreciate it if you could keep our secret blogging space secret for a little while.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Corporate Blogging Blog: Six Types Of Business Blogs - A Classification

{I just lost this post a minute ago, so if it's suddenly here twice, I'll delete - ckp} 8/10/2004 Frederik Wacka posts this revised classification scheme for corporate blogs. It's important when trying to sell the management on corporate blogs to define what type of blog you're proposing, it's purpose, audience, etc. This scheme could help you get your boss on the same page.

Friday, August 06, 2004 Three Reasons to Publish an E-Newsletter AND a Blog

6/22/04 by Debbie Weil Pointed out by "Blogorama" Internet Resources Newsletter issue 119 (August 2004) Straight forward short column. See also the author's Business Blogging Starter Kit($129) and her blog.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Ariadne 'Towards Library Groupware with Personalised Link Routing'

Chudnov et al. Issue 40 (July 2004). Everyone was so hung up on the public libraries article from this issue, this one fell into the weeds. I haven't finished reading it yet, but this passage stood out:
In a fluid world where users move regularly between informal discussion and scholarly/research domains, we can consider the functional areas of linking, reference management, and weblogging to be service points on a single continuum of information gathering, study, and creation. Following a reference from a weblog or from a scholarly article are each similar steps in exploring threads of related ideas. Capturing a reference in your own weblog or reference library indicates that the citation somehow relates to your own thought process. Publicly citing a reference more closely associates your thinking with that of others.
Compare to Edmonds, Blustein, and Don Turnbull below. Update (8/9/04): Check out what they're doing at UThink. They've integrated database searching, with blogs, with RefWorks! So you can blog your results from a database search, then transfer the blog item to your bibliography when it's time to submit a paper. (pointed out by Fichter)