JHMI Emerging Technologies Lecture Series: Using Blogs for Information Management
I will be giving this lecture at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in East Baltimore. If you're in the Baltimore, Maryland area, feel free to drop in.
Using Blogs for Information Management
June 29
Christina Pikas, MLS
Noon - 1 pm
Mountcastle Auditorium, PCTB Summary
Blogs are simply web pages with reverse chronologically arranged collections of individual posts. What makes them new and unique is their ability to organize and share your information without requiring burdensome programming, specialized technical knowledge, or expensive “solutions”. It is easy to add information -- as simple as sending an e-mail or filling out a form on the web. Blogs may belong to an individual or to a group. They may be on the internet, on an intranet, or protected by password. This lecture will define blogs and provide a basic introduction to blog software, structure, and blogging practice. The benefits of collaborative blogs and individual blogs for researchers in science, technology, and medical settings will all be discussed.
The other lectures announced are on RSS and open software.
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