ASIST K-Blog Panel

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Das E-Business Weblog: Published my BlogTalk Paper

I linked to this paper earlier, but one of Roell's responses to my comments struck me worthy of posting again.
I left out privacy for simplicity. At the moment, "channeling" in blogs, that is: publishing for specific audience is not well developed yet, and as most people who read the paper will not know much about weblogs in the first place I did not want to make things complicated and introduce the dimension of "publishin [sic] channels" (which could cope with privacy issues).
Help understanding this? Are you all avoiding the city (and work) this week? Maybe this is my niche for the panel -- KM and levels of access and software and ... Has blogging for specific audiences really not been covered? J, you talk about blogging by a group of people... but for the public, right?

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The new SLA/Factiva Track Thingy

(SLA login required) The first category is Blogging and RSS. I'm not sure it will give us more than Topix, et al, but interesting anyway. There are other categories for intranets and km.

Monday, July 26, 2004


A wiki on KM. Maintained by K-loggers. Maybe worth looking into?

Friday, July 23, 2004

Distributed KM - Improving Knowledge Workers' Productivity and Organisational Knowledge Sharing with Weblog-based Personal Publishing

The full v 0.9 draft of his paper mentioned earlier has been posted. A couple of notes:
  • "e-mail is successful because it is personal and social at the same time" -- when moving to blogs, there has to be a better permissions system to encourage trust. Even though there are many articles about employers scanning employee inboxes, employees still feel that it's their private domain. Standard blogs do not offer this.
  • blogs as personal filing cabinets -- good if they can be searched. If your workplace has an enterprise search engine or, even better, one with automatic categorization, then this works. Otherwise, you're just creating a list of useless data?!?
  • reducing misunderstanding -- does it? How about those quick to post who later regret and edit?
Check out his references, too. Lots of good stuff there.

A Personal Information and Knowledge Infrastructure Integrator: Edmonds et al.: JoDI

K. Andrew Edmonds, James Blustein, and Don Turnbull. "A Personal Information and Knowledge Infrastructure Integrator."Journal of Digital Information, v.5 no.1 article no. 243 (2004-05-12)
"We introduce our vision of the Personal Information and Knowledge Infrastructure Integrator (PIKII) of the future ...In the common-use hypertext of the future, the world will bear some marked similarities to the current world of Weblogging. People will use hypertext structures to manage their personal information, be it in the form of diaries, platforms for political campaigns, records of research projects (akin to laboratory notebooks), Web clippings (schraefel and Zhu 2001), or networked photo scrapbooks that can then be shared with others and open to collaboration with others. Services will help interested people connect with one another through citation tracking, update monitoring, transclusion and aggregation, and social networking.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Feeds in Special Libraries

This blog might be a good resource for us if we're going to talk about what nifty things libraries are doing with feeds because it focuses on what special libraries are doing with feeds.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Legitimised Theft: Distributed Apprenticeship in Weblog Networks

Lilia Efimova et al. "Legitimised Theft: Distributed Apprenticeship in Weblog Networks." Paper presented at I-KNOW04, 30 June - 2 July 2004, Graz, Austria. The idea here is that a person can blog their thought process (thinking out loud on their blog)... or decision making process... and the reader can learn how to do something.... so it forms kind of an apprenticeship... It's legitimized theft because you're taking someone's idea that they've published for their own benefit.... We actually see this all the time. For example, someone blogged how they had figured out how to add a google search block and offered up the code. I read the blog, applied for my own api key, installed search. Sean Carroll added it to his site after seeing it on my site. Yes, it's a meme, but it's more than that because it's learning how to do something. Another example: say you're figuring out a physics problem... you offer your thought process... are corrected in comments ... an third person reads it and learns how to do the problem. Much quicker than publishing a paper.

Monday, July 12, 2004

NY Times Sunday Book Review: The New Pamphleteers

7/11/2004 essay by Alan Wolfe (free registration required) "Whether or not you can tell a book by its cover, you can generally tell a country by its books. If most political books are any indication, the way we argue now has been shaped by cable news and Weblogs; it's all ''gotcha'' commentary and attributions of bad faith. No emotion can be too angry and no exaggeration too incredible. "

Friday, July 09, 2004

Ads on Blogs, Blogs as Ads, Parts 1, 2, & 3

6/24, 7/1, 7/8 by Tessa Wegert (pointed out by Topix) Discusses using blogs for marketing. Readers opinions of companies that blog. Statistics of blog readers. Value of enabling comments. Part 2 is on blogs as marketing. Part 3 is on ads as part of blogs.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

WSJ: Feed Me: With RSS, you don't have to go out and find information on the Web; It finds you

The above URL may not work at all or may work for ProQuest Newspaper subscribers. Here's the citation: Marcus Lillkvist, "Technology (A Special Report); Feed Me: With RSS, you don't have to go out and find information on the Web; It finds you," Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition), May 24, 2004, R12. This is a nice overview of RSS feeds but I did notice at least one small error. The relevant part for our talk is:
Meanwhile, feeds also have proved useful in corporate settings. Software provider Triple Point Technology Inc. uses RSS technology in place of the lengthy e-mails it used to send out to notify staff members of new developments in the company's various projects. Now, staff members at the Westport, Conn., company receive an RSS feed notifying them that one of the company's new internal Web logs has been updated, and they can go to the site to catch up with the news. The new system is more efficient, says Allie Rogers, Triple Point's chief information officer, who adds that the blogs ensure that employees can't lose information, as they could with e-mail, and that they can easily search for information sent out earlier.

CorporateBlogging.Info: Guide to Corporate Blogging, Business Blogging

Pointed out by Steven Cohen. This is a fairly new (June '04) blog from Fredrik Wacka who is a PR consultant. It's fairly short but has some potential.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Practice Run of Our Panel

What do you think about doing a practice run of our panel for the Berkman Center's blog group sometime maybe in late October or just before the ASIST Annual Conference? We're getting ready to do some strategic planning for our Thursday night blog group and one of the suggestions is getting guest speakers to come in. It could be a good venue for us to do a trial run and get some feedback. The only challenge would be getting Christina up here.

Addendum 7/9: When I brought this idea up at the blog meeting last night, people seemed to like the idea. If we want to do it, we can. It could be a very good venue for us to get feedback and some of the bloggers seemed genuinely interested in what we'll say. I think someone might have even said, "Librarians talking about blogging? Cool!"

John Stafford was there again, too. He is ex-Navy, works for Raytheon, lives in Rhode Island, is interested in the military's use of RSS feeds, and blogs at He talked a bit about knowledge management and blogs last night, so I plugged the conference and our panel to him. Maybe he'll show.

Shimon Rura ( seemed mildly interested, too.

About the Webcasting: Well, the license for the Real software expired and it'll cost $200 to renew it. We also need a microphone. Because of budget issues, Berkman can provide space for the group, but not money. (See for fundraising ideas) We're working on getting the Webcasting back, but no one at the meeting was ready to give money to do it.

However, there is a spider phone for conference calls in the room. Christina, we'd have to have some way to hear you anyway. Perhaps that would be sufficient.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

BlogTalk 2.0 Notes (several sessions)

Efimova links to presentations from BlogTalk 2.0. See in particular:
  • Markus Glötzel: "Collective blogging from the view of a context-oriented understanding of knowledge"
  • Reinhard Prügl / Michael Schuster: "Using Weblogs as Project Management Tools in innovative projects"
  • Martin Röll: Distributed KM - Improving Knowledge Workers' Productivity and Organisational Knowledge Sharing with Weblog-based Personal Publishing
  • Lee Bryant: Informal, joined up knowledge sharing using connected weblogs in pursuit of Mental Health service improvement
See also Joi Ito's Wiki for his notes on the sessions.

Friday, July 02, 2004

A 2003 overview of posts on blogging and km

Pointed out by Bill Ives. As Ives says, some of these are dated, but it's still a nice overview.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Into the Blogosphere

Into the Blogosphere Pointed out by Steven Cohen. Apparently a bibliography of more scholarly articles on blogs/blogging. Introduction here.
The articles in this collection are presented in alphabetical order. As much scholarship in the field of the rhetoric of technology, these studies resist classification, presenting interdisciplinary approaches to the topic of the rhetorical implications of blogging. We have chosen not to provide categories for the articles on the main page, and have instead offered a variety of categorization schemes from which the reader can choose. Readers will find that several of the categories overlap, and many articles appear in more than one category. We invite readers to consider these categories, and to find new ones on their own. However, we do see some commonalities in the articles, and present them in the following categories below: pedagogy, public vs. private spheres, genre, visual design, virtual community, identity, mass communication, and business communication.
(emphasis added)

Sun's policy on corporate bloggers

Found thanks to J's post on Jonathan Schwartz' new blog (but I'm posting it first, ha-ha). Compare this to other corporate ones posted earlier.