Practice Run of Our Panel
What do you think about doing a practice run of our panel for the Berkman Center's blog group sometime maybe in late October or just before the ASIST Annual Conference? We're getting ready to do some strategic planning for our Thursday night blog group and one of the suggestions is getting guest speakers to come in. It could be a good venue for us to do a trial run and get some feedback. The only challenge would be getting Christina up here.
Addendum 7/9: When I brought this idea up at the blog meeting last night, people seemed to like the idea. If we want to do it, we can. It could be a very good venue for us to get feedback and some of the bloggers seemed genuinely interested in what we'll say. I think someone might have even said, "Librarians talking about blogging? Cool!"
John Stafford was there again, too. He is ex-Navy, works for Raytheon, lives in Rhode Island, is interested in the military's use of RSS feeds, and blogs at He talked a bit about knowledge management and blogs last night, so I plugged the conference and our panel to him. Maybe he'll show.
Shimon Rura ( seemed mildly interested, too.
About the Webcasting: Well, the license for the Real software expired and it'll cost $200 to renew it. We also need a microphone. Because of budget issues, Berkman can provide space for the group, but not money. (See for fundraising ideas) We're working on getting the Webcasting back, but no one at the meeting was ready to give money to do it.
However, there is a spider phone for conference calls in the room. Christina, we'd have to have some way to hear you anyway. Perhaps that would be sufficient.
I suppose I could attend virtually? Do you web cast your meetings?
Christina, at 4:59 PM
Weird. My browser tells me there's one comment, but I when I click on it to read it, my browser then says there's no comment. I'm kinda posting this comment as a test to see what happens.
j, at 12:37 PM
Hey, what d'ya know! By posting a second comment, I got the first one to magically appear. Weird.
j, at 12:38 PM
j- I have it e-mailing me when a comment is posted. If you want, you could try to put your e-mail in there, too.
Christina, at 12:40 PM
hhhmmm there's an idea ...
j, at 1:24 PM
We could do the conference call and maybe something like NetMeeting or IRC or even e-mail maybe? Or whatever synchronous web thingy you have? Can I assume you'll have an internet connection and a projector?
Anonymous, at 5:22 PM
Yes, we have an Internet connection and a projector. We do IRC (irc:// and I can be on AIM, too. I dug up some information about the microphone we used to have and it isn't too expensive. I have a feeling stuff will come together for us to be able to do Webcasting again pretty soon.
j, at 6:13 PM
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