ASIST K-Blog Panel

Friday, September 17, 2004

Notes from my Wisconsin Blog Talk

I think the notes I posted from my talk about blogging in Wisconsin on Wednesday might be worth a look because I included many of the questions I received from the audience. They might give us some idea about what kinds of things people are interested in knowing, which could help us figure out what we want to say. A few audience members had a difficult time understanding feeds, syndication, and aggregators. I tried using several analogies, but none of them really worked. I'm not sure if the women gave up trying to get me to explain it or if they really did leave the room understanding what aggregators, feeds, and syndication are. I've explained them many other times without problems. I'm not sure if I just wasn't explaining them clearly Wednesday evening or what. I go into detail about the analogies I used and what I did in my notes. Do you have any ideas about how I can explain them better? Do we need to cover them in our ASIST session?


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