K-logging in books
We have a 30-day trial going of Safari so I put in one of my standard searches and came up with this book: Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content by Biz Stone (New Riders Publishing, September 13, 2002). Chapter 10, Section 6 is on Knowledge Management (in the event you all have this database: http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/0735712999/ch10lev1sec6). Before you all run out and buy this... it's a very, very superficial treatment with somewhat misleading or at least uninformative definitions of what knowledge management is. They do spend a paragraph defining tacit and explicit knowledge, but I would expect our audience to already know that. Essential Blogging by Cory Doctorow, Rael Dornfest, J. Scott Johnson, Shelley Powers, Benjamin Trott, and Mena G. Trott (O'Reilly, August 1, 2002) doesn't seem to have anything on k-logging but We Blog: Publishing Online With Weblogs by Paul Bausch (Wiley, 2002) does. I got that one through ILL and already sent it back. It has a little more information than the Stone book, but not too much.
Too bad I procrastinated and didn't read this post before the blog meeting. Scott Johnson sat next to me at dinner. It was his last meeting before moving to California.
I met Biz Stone a while back through blogging.
Bill Ives of Portals and KM was there tonight, too. He plans to start attending regularly.
j, at 10:32 PM
It's so cool that you're in Boston where all these meetings happen. I know of nothing like it in Balto. or D.C. I'm very jealous
Christina, at 12:07 PM
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